1. Are you kidding me?
2. Give me a break !!! = Don´t stress me out !!!
3. To go bananas: kolpetik erotu, to go mad!
4. Last one in is a rotten egg!
5. the Class Clown
6. What´s the point, anyway?
Zertarako, zer ba egiten dugu hau?
7. Face down your demons: Egiozu aurre zure beldurrei
8. This is not my first rodeo
9. Time will tell, denborak errango du
10. to do a sommersault, to roll on the floor
or to perform a sommersault:
Txiribuelta bat eman, lurrean txiribuelta bat eman.
11. To do a backflip : atzerantz saltoegin
12+1. Think of beautiful things
14. Cat & Tongue
15. His bark is worse than his bite
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