Wednesday 14 October 2015

Today, I´m in a good mood! Aldarte/Umore onean egon


Sulk, tantrum, mood. Context-sensitive to convey 
magnitude through exaggeration and emphasis in the speaker.
So-and-so threw a strop.
So-and-so is in a right strop today.
I am having a strop. 


[ˈbædˈtempəd] ADJ [person] (temporarily) → de mal humor; (permanently) → de mal genio, de mal carácter; [argument] → fuerte; [tone etc] → áspero, malhumorado

lose one's temper (at someone or something)

Fig. to become angry at someone or something. Lisa lost her temper and began shouting at Bob. I hate to lose my temper at someone. I always end up feeling guilty.


[ˈmuːdɪ] ADJ (moodier (compar) (moodiest (superl))) (= variable) → (de carácter) variable, temperamental; (= bad-tempered) → malhumorado
he's very moodyes muy temperamental, es de humor muy variable

How to Stay in a Good Mood

It's typical to feel your mood starting to fade, whether you're in the middle of a long work day or finding yourself stuck with someone who constantly annoys you. Or sometimes, you can just start feeling the storm clouds hovering over your head for no apparent reason and may wonder how you can bring back the sunshine. If you want to be able to stay in a good mood, then you have to cultivate habits that will keep you feeling happy -- and in addition to that, it never hurts to try a few "in the moment" quick-fixes to make you feel happier no matter where you are or what you're doing.

What Are the Types of Mood Disorders?

Major depression is the most common mood disorder. This debilitating illness causes mental anguish and physical ailments. It often prevents normal daily function. While some people with depression may experience only one episode of major depression in a lifetime, most endure multiple episodes.

 Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is less common. Even so, it affects about 5.7 million American adults. Bipolar disorder is a combination of extreme elation, which is known as mania, and depression.

estado de ánimo, umorea, aldartea. 

5 Mood-Boosting Workouts

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