Thursday 29 October 2015

The Basque Poets: The History of the Bertsolari

                 Bilintx was a great bertsolari. His bertso was mainly about love affairs, he sang about his platonic loves. He was a kind of a loser, a pessimist and a romantic too.
The most famous bertso of Bilintx:  

                                                  Triste bizi naiz eta 
hilko banintz hobe
Badauzkat bihotzean
zenbait atsegabe
Dama bat maitatzen det 
bainan haren jabe
sekulan izaiteko 
esperantzik gabe.
Bihotz baten lekuan
mila baniztuzke
guziak zuretako
izanen litezke
bainan mila lekuan 
bat bertzerik ez det
                                                       har zazu bai maitia 
                                                       bat hau mila bider.
Neure maite pollita
nola zeran bizi,
zortzi egun hauetan
ez zaitut ikusi
uste det zabiltza 
ni gandik ihesi
ez didazu emaiten 
atsegabe gutxi!
Nere amodioa
hain fina izanik
beti gogoan zauzkat
ahaztu gaberik
ez da mundu guzian 
inor gauza denik
                                                            dama zu maitazeko 
                                                            hainbeste nola nik.

                As of 1960, bertsolaritza became a mechanism to denounce social repression. Following the disappearance of protectionism, Lopategi and Azpillaga (in the south) and Xalbador and Mattin (in the north) promoted the art as a means of expression. 

               Bertsolaritza became a defensive tool: the Ez Dok Hamairu group, for example, sang tirelessly of the repression of Basque culture. The survival of Basque culture between 1968 and 1980 was in any case no easy task.

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